lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009

Ron Solera in the ATA 40th Anniversary (Asociaciòn de Toreros Aficionados del Perù)

This Saturday 28 of March, the ATA has celebrated with a lunch and a “Capeada” by the principal Toreros Aficionados of Lima and Cajamarca in the Fernandez ranch of Lurìn.

Nice girls as Alexandra Santillana has enjoyed and received Solera rum as a special award.

The best Peruvian Flamenco dancers Diana and Jimena Cuèllar, have amused the guests with the rhythm of our well know Cantaor Augusto Gil “El Galleta”.
Spanish Flamenco and peruvian waltz rithms
made a wonderful fusion.

Josè Ignacio Bullard gave the Solera Rum bottles as an award to the owner of the ranch and to the official doctor.

The ATA hymn has been interpreted by the prime guitarist Ernesto Hermoza and declaimed by mister Bullard.

martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

Ron Solera in the Ancon Summer Party "Cabaret"

The Cabaret Summer Party in the beach town Ancòn (north of Lima) had many pretty girls that in a nice disguise has enjoyed the 12 yers old Solera rum.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009

Radio San Borja Interview

The well known program "Copas y Tenedores" from radio San Borja has done a nice interview to the ron Solera brand ambassador with a rum tasting alive.